Kilgore Books & Comics

publishing fine comics since 2009

Sammy the Mouse, Book III


Sammy the Mouse, Book III


Zak Sally has been working on Sammy the Mouse since the early 2000’s. The story follows the lives and stories of Sammy, Puppy Boy, Feekes, Carl, Fish, and an associated cast of denizens of an unnamed community. If you are up to date on the Sammy saga, definitely get this - you’ll learn more about Puppy’s secret project and what happens to Carl’s important package. If not, then it’s highly recommended you pick up the complete (to date) Sammy, for $23.

52 pages, newsprint, color

If you only order this comic, we’ll reimburse any shipping overages - we’re automatically set to charge $4 for a single book, but this sill ship for less!

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Zak Sally has been working on Sammy the Mouse since the early 2000’s. The story follows the lives and stories of Sammy, Puppy Boy, Feekes, Carl, Fish, and an associated cast of denizens of an unnamed community. If you are up to date on the Sammy saga, definitely get this - you’ll learn more about Puppy’s secret project and what happens to Carl’s important package. If not, then it’s highly recommended you pick up the complete (to date) Sammy, for $23.

52 pages, newsprint, color

If you only order this comic, we’ll reimburse any shipping overages - we’re automatically set to charge $4 for a single book, but this sill ship for less!